Pastor's Note

Pastor's Note
A Word From the Pastor, Reverend, Daeil Min

Reverend, Daeil Min
Senior Pastor,
Reverend, Daeil Min
Dear Church Family,

As we embrace the warm and sunny days of summer, I hope this season brings you moments of rest, renewal, and joy. The summer months are a wonderful opportunity for us to reconnect with our faith, engage in meaningful activities, and support each other in our spiritual journeys.

In the months of July and August, let's use this time to strengthen our bonds as a church com-munity and reach out to those around us. Whether through Vacation Bible School, community service projects, or simply spending time in fellowship, there are countless ways to live out our faith actively. Summer offers unique opportunities to serve and grow together, and I encourage each of you to find a way to get involved.

On a personal note, I will be visiting my family in Korea in July. This time away is precious for me, and I am grateful for the chance to reconnect with my loved ones, especially my sister who had a stroke in March. I humbly ask you to keep me and my family in your prayers during this period. Your prayers mean a lot to us, and they strengthen our bond as a church family.

I am also pleased to share the worship schedule for the Sundays during my absence:
July 14th: Jim Wright
July 21st: Dani Micale
July 28th: Dot DeAngelo
August 4th: Rev. Scott (with Communion)

I am confident that these wonderful leaders will bring inspiring messages and guide you in wor-ship during these Sundays. Please extend your support and prayers to them as they step into this role. In addition, if you need an emergent pastoral care such as funeral, notify the church office immediately, Rev. Sunny Ahn from Aldersgate UMC will offer and cover during my absence.

Let's make this summer a time of spiritual growth and community engagement. Whether you are participating in our church activities, enjoying family time, or reaching out to those in need, remember that we are united in our mission to live out the teachings of Christ.

Thank you for your continued dedication and faith. May God bless you abundantly in these summer months.

In Christ's love,
Rev. Dale Min, senior pastor

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